Interactive Design Advisor course teaches the principles of vehicle design considering mass, cost AND LCA
Automotive Materials Engineers and Designers to Gain from WorldAutoSteel’s New Online Workshop
Available at steeluniversity.org today!
Ambitious automotive designers bent on leaving a lasting mark in vehicle design history will want to take full advantage of an enabling approach now being offered by WorldAutoSteel, the automotive group of the World Steel Association.
The enabler is an online course of study offered by WorldAutoSteel through steeluniversity.org. The course includes a simulation model that enables participants to enter vehicle design scenarios for quick evaluations of the impacts of material decisions on mass, cost and greenhouse gas emissions. The speed and accuracy of the evaluations make it a practical example of the use of Life Cycle Assessment, helping to analyze potential material decision impacts to the environment, and total impacts toward a circular economy.
The Design Advisor course is being offered free for a limited time at steeluniversity.org.
“Vehicle designers of the 21st century must turn out vehicles that surprise and delight customers, meet strict government regulations, satisfy financial investors, reduce emissions, and contribute to a circular economy,” says Cees ten Broek, Director, WorldAutoSteel. “Our Design Advisor course gives a big picture understanding of how vehicle design choices can affect the mass, cost and climate change emissions throughout the vehicle life cycle.”
Engineers, designers, and university students can all enroll and use the Design Advisor course simulation model at steeluniversity.org. Model users can evaluate the impact of design choices for the different vehicle structural components available and gain a better understanding of performance over the life cycle of the vehicle.
“Material selection decisions are most often made very early in the vehicle design process,” says ten Broek. “The Design Advisor course teaches how to use the Design Advisor tool, which enables vehicle design decision makers to quickly and accurately examine material selection tradeoffs.”
Teaching the Design Advisor course is Dr. Don Malen, adjunct professor from the University of Michigan College of Engineering, and creator of the simulation model. Upon completion, students receive a WorldAutoSteel Certificate of Excellence.
Design Advisor Workshop offered at steeluniversity.org from worldautosteel on Vimeo.